26 September, 2006

Introducing Busan

I'm babysitting my aunt's dog for a few days so why not introduce my main focus of attention of the past few days... Busan is tiny, and seems to enjoy being part of.. everything. These past few days she's been walking with me, watching films with me, doing yoga with me.. Though I think that last activity is just to flash her natural ability to do a flawless downward facing dog - just like Cracker at the Castle...

18 September, 2006


Someone asked for a posting on the Swedish election frenzy.. I fear it's a little late now, so instead you get a Swedish flag, to share with the new government!

West coast weekend

Wonderful, sunny weekend spent in Gothenburg and environs. Was it the end of summer? The weather right now seems to suggest it. But I guess a Swedish summer lasting till mid September is still pretty good.

Saturday mostly spent on a sunny deck looking out on the sea and the rock (it's waiting for us!), with good food and company. Sunday brought some Gothenburg sightseeing. Landmarks ticked: the "lipstick", Gothenburg's Golden Gate bridge (i have yet to decide which one's the more better quality..), fancy boats at Långedrag, and a tsuchtra (this one would definitely sting).

15 September, 2006


So, with Doing Nothing as my main occupation, lots of time is spent in cafés... This is the latest one in a never ending row of places to have coffee in. In a state somewhere in between confused and amused i enjoyed a coffee and a book in the midst of plastic ivy, statues, velvet curtains and copies of the Mona Lisa.

Confusion/amusement complete when whatever radio station they were playing starts an advert about polygamy. After some embarrased research, i have now come to the conclusion that it was a joke.

11 September, 2006

Big issue via mobile phone

I walked past a man today who was selling the big issue (the local version of it). He was a bit distracted though, cause he was on his mobile phone at the same time. Is it not a bit odd with supposedly homeless people having phones? Maybe i'm being conservative, homeless people should be poor and dirty and not have any earthly possession, at least not technical ones. Then I passed a party of drunks hanging out on two benches in a park. They seemed to be having fun. Oh i bet any comments on this now will say something about a socialist utopia again... malish.

09 September, 2006


It takes about 50 minutes to go 7 years back in time. Or at least to get to where i (physically) was seven years ago. It's cute, and small, a strange mix of farms, large houses and the seaside, all mixed up with horses, a lot of them, everywhere. Hmm, that could also work as a summary of me growing up. Or maybe not. These are just a selection of today's sightings. Foals are possibly the cutest things ever, and icelandic horses are awesome, especially in big groups... The local tourist bureau would probably not approve of how i'm introducting the world to this very cute/quaint/picturesque part of the country with only photos of horses, but whatever. I'll post photos of the tourist views another time. Maybe if i go in December when it's not at all as cute/quaint/picturesque but dark, dark, dark, windy, cold, and yeah, dark.

08 September, 2006

Dogs in windows?

Had another thought. I wonder if I have discovered a new trend or if this is something that has been going on for ages, but i just never noticed. The past week i've started to find dogs in clothes shops. At first i thought it was just that people for whatever reason didn't want to leave their dogs alone, but after seeing this one today i'm starting to think it's a sales trick. If you can't get people interested in your clothes, put a cute puppy in the window... whatever catches people's attention...


Copenhagen central station, Gråbrødretorv, and the café "Joe & the Juice" on Ny Østergade. Who thinks of calling a café Joe & the Juice? I found it strangely amusing. So yes, I finally managed to cross the straight to the land of ice-cream and design. Kim if you ever read this, I swear, the Danes were still eating ice cream even if it wasn't half as warm as when we went last year... Unfortunately I just can't make this posting look very nice. God bless people who actually know how to use computers properly. But hennyway, had a good day. Danes are nice, despite being r***** and having bad h*******, as those swedes declared to the whole Sainsburys in Angel not knowing that there were scandis sneakily hiding camouflaged among the shopping englishmen... Swedes can be as sneaky as Sneaky the Seagull.

07 September, 2006

Ok, so that dreadful first comment is over, the first impression made, and i can continue to write whatever i like. Although my location is boastfully stating that i'm "going west" there is still some time left before that, and for another few weeks i shall remain in this little corner of the world, occupying myself with randomness and ramblings. All for the enjoyment of those who may start reading these little postings once i've crossed that big ocean...

Chapter One

To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born...

When expectations of originality are too high, why not copy?