01 July, 2007

So much for the city

Ok, let's face the facts here. I'm having issues with the city.

I don't understand why you have to be cocky and stuck up and constantly remind everyone around you of how great you are. I don't understand why you have to get a fancy mercedes to pick you up and take you for a fifteen minute drive around the city system of one way streets to get you somewhere three blocks away. I don't understand why you have to applaud sales results every single Friday. I don't understand why you need two computer screens, or why you have to wear high heels and count calories and never, ever pay for your own drinks. Or why you have to go to a swanky bar to celebrate your first hedgefund client, but can't put out the money to get a quality management certificate that allows you to be a UN provider. I don't understand why I'm the only one who actually leaves when office hours end. But what I 'm really finding it most difficult to explain to myself, is why I'm doing this FOR FREE!!


Blogger FMTD said...

i think it's logged me in under an unused blog name.. ah well.

well, the for free bit.. cos it's explatoitatation!

mercs and macho-ness, is all to bring meaning to that which has none.

stilletos, screens and hedges are all just weird social constructs... if only someone would give me funding for these dirty pearls i'd be laughing.. or something.


3:01 am  
Blogger anthony said...

domination, exploitation, subjectivation. (a famous bald french-man once remarked.) the difference from 30 years ago, i imagine, is that now subjectivation means being thankful for the opportunity to be dominated and exploited, to demand it no less.

reflecting on this weird set of circumstances (like in this well perused blog) some call that freedom.

kisses for chiggens

10:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Det enda jag kan förstå, även om det är osmakligt, är att man applåderar försäljningssiffrorna - det är ju de som betalar Mercorna och lönerna till dom som har sådana ...
Kanske etiska/kvalitets-/aspekter kan tvingas fram av att andra ser till att skaffa sig certifikat och själva marknaden slås ut för dem som inte vill lägga resurser på det. Den utvecklingen märks här.

1:21 am  

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