07 October, 2006

Gone West!

I'm here! Tired, jetlagged and confused. But I made it to California where it's warm.

Started my first day here with feeding the cat Otis next door. Otis is massive and has war wounds. He's got a big scar over his nose and ears after fights. Then went for breakfast. And then spent some time in the largest second hand bookshop i've seen. Went back home to pack up my stuff and then went for a walk down to REI. Yes, I could not wait to see this much heard of place in all its amazingness. Unfortunately, the jetlag hit me on the walk there and I barely managed to be moral support for Anthony in his shopping (and definitely not look for anything for myself, despite brave attempts), but he did really well anyway.

Tomorrow, breakfast in San Francisco with Kim. Am so excited to see her. And i'm being told that it will be the most amazing breakfast ever. Right now, sleep seems like the most amazing thing ever. Stupid jetlag.


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