10 October, 2006

overcoming jetlag with imperial tea

So, i have finally managed to survive a whole afternoon without just wanting to collapse! And i managed to stay awake past 9 pm last night. That could have been thanks to the amazing tea place we went to after dinner last night. Instead of going for a glass of wine we randomly came across a tea place. I don't remember the name, but it had the word imperial in it. Who wants to sleep when a Chinese lady is teaching you how to drink from chinese tea cups? And you get to smell ALL the tea jars before deciding which one you like (even if she's happy to tell you what she prefers you to have).

More about this place soon. I have yet to experience the wonders that must be the Tibet stores. How else would you explain the need (or market) for three Tibet stores on the same street... (i don't even want to guess how many there are in Berkeley as a whole...)


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