11 December, 2006

Official Washington views

I crossed the country and went to D.C.! And I know that I had been complaining about California getting cold, but suddenly I remembered what cold really feels like... I was layered up in all that my California-adapted clothing could offer for warmth, and still, trying to look cool being the only one not wearing a proper coat turned out to be pretty difficult...
But to be honest the cold didn't bother me that much. I had some absolutely beautiful sunny days both driving around outside the city and walking around it. And best of all was to see and spend time with familiar faces and dear friends. California is great, but it was at least equally awesome to meet up with people you already know, and who already know you. Anyway, so yes, here are the official Washington views, the Capitol, the Washington monument, some official looking flags (American, not Rainbow as here) and Lincoln (I think) memorial.


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