11 December, 2006

...and the less official ones

And so, some that aren't just of memorials and monuments... This is Alexandria, where I was actually staying. Such a cute place with little town houses, christmas decorations and sweet shops and cafés. Quite a coincidence that it turned out Di lived about seven blocks away! Totally within walking distance. The pups are the Millard family pups, such cuties both of them. Last photo, evidence of the sweet style of DCers... I found a shoe-friend in the charming Taylor on my fabulous last evening in town! (The red ones are mine, the black ones his.) Matching shoes, brilliant sushi, amazing company and perhaps a tad too much sake made for an excellent evening and end to a very, very nice trip. I really hope that it won't be another 6 years till my next visit!


Blogger Charlotte said...

Such a fun last night! We'll have to do it again soon :)

8:03 pm  

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