19 December, 2006

Adieu California...

We came back from LA last night and at this moment Anthony is already on his way back to Europe. The flat has been emptied of my things and soon I'm driving Kim's car down to pick her up from work and then to spend the night at hers in SF.

It's my last night in California, and so technically I guess that means that the autumn saga ends? It's so strange to think that my stay here is already over and that I'm not coming back with Ant in January, but I guess that's why it was an autumn saga in the first place. I have seen so many beautiful things, followed by at least as many strange and bizarre ones in this crazy place. Somehow California manages to be exactly what you imagine it to be like, and yet at the same time so much more.

I took the photo above on Venice beach yesterday morning . In another 24 hours I will already be far, far away.

11 December, 2006

I forgot the White House!

Oh my, how did I forget to put the White House in the official photos? You get two instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. See the white wall to the right in the second picture? That leads to the West Wing. And I, happen to have stood right in front of it! Yes, inside the gates! That's just how cool I am... (Tack Kickan!)

Now, one more day before Ant's done. And we leave for LA on Saturday!

...and the less official ones

And so, some that aren't just of memorials and monuments... This is Alexandria, where I was actually staying. Such a cute place with little town houses, christmas decorations and sweet shops and cafés. Quite a coincidence that it turned out Di lived about seven blocks away! Totally within walking distance. The pups are the Millard family pups, such cuties both of them. Last photo, evidence of the sweet style of DCers... I found a shoe-friend in the charming Taylor on my fabulous last evening in town! (The red ones are mine, the black ones his.) Matching shoes, brilliant sushi, amazing company and perhaps a tad too much sake made for an excellent evening and end to a very, very nice trip. I really hope that it won't be another 6 years till my next visit!

Official Washington views

I crossed the country and went to D.C.! And I know that I had been complaining about California getting cold, but suddenly I remembered what cold really feels like... I was layered up in all that my California-adapted clothing could offer for warmth, and still, trying to look cool being the only one not wearing a proper coat turned out to be pretty difficult...
But to be honest the cold didn't bother me that much. I had some absolutely beautiful sunny days both driving around outside the city and walking around it. And best of all was to see and spend time with familiar faces and dear friends. California is great, but it was at least equally awesome to meet up with people you already know, and who already know you. Anyway, so yes, here are the official Washington views, the Capitol, the Washington monument, some official looking flags (American, not Rainbow as here) and Lincoln (I think) memorial.